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Attendance and Greeter:
This committee will assist the Lion Tamer to welcome club members and visitors to meetings and record attendance. <SignUp for this committee>
Internal CSNL Communications disseminates information about club events and projects, as well as the business of the club, and be available to all members whether or not they attend meetings to disseminate important club information. Marketing and Public Relations Communications focuses on promotion of the club to the general public. It shall devise and develop ways and means to provide timely information to the community about the Club’s past, current, and future projects through all possible available media. <SignUp for this committee>
Food and Social:
This committee will plan, organize, and conduct social functions of the Club. This includes planning the annual Christmas Party, assisting with the Tail Twister Party, and organizing any special social meetings. The committee will also assist the Programs Committee with alternative arrangements when the Hilton is not available for regular noon meetings. <SignUp for this committee>
This committee schedules and provides speakers and entertainment for the club’s regular meetings. It plans well in advance to provide programs of interest to the Club members. The program committee should schedule at least 3 programs each year (preferably 1 per month) that focus on aspects of Lionism. The program for each upcoming month should be provided to the Secretary before the monthly Board meeting. <SignUp for this committee>
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